Slavonski Brod Port Infrastructure construction and upgrade

On 25 October 2017 in Vukovar, Grant Agreement for co-financing the Action „Slavonski Brod Port Infrastructure construction and upgrade“ from Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) was signed. Agrant Agreemnet was signed by Dirk Beckers, Director of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, and Marijan Juric, Director of Port Authority Slavonski Brod. Implementation of the Action started on 01/03/2017 and expected duration of the Action is three years.

Value of the Action eligible for co-financing from CEF is 11.677.373 EUR and EU funds granted for the Action are 6.625.741,00 EUR.

This Action is part of a Global Project which aims to upgrade the main port infrastructures of the port of Slavonski Brod and its connection with the rail, road and IWW TEN-T network. Activities concerning the construction in the Action are:

Construction of port waterside basic infrastructure (two quays with the handling area),
Upgrade of the road network and the container terminal ( construction of industrial road for the traffic of the vehicles in operational part of thep ort, handling area and rail tracks)
Installation of the public utilities infrastructure and equipment (electricity, telecommunication, water supply and fire portection),
Construction of the port weigh house.


Kontakt info

Šetalište braće Radić 19a, HR-35000 Slavonski Brod
Telefon: +385 (0)35 404 430, Telefaks: +385 (0)35 250 538


OIB: 14562482156

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